What Does It Mean To Be A Human Athlete?

  Founded on the premise that the human body is made to move, Rising Tide Massage considers and treats every human as an athlete.

Our muscles allow us to do things that we have to do, and more importantly, things we WANT to do.   

Yeah?   So?

Well, life moves fast, routines take over, and our muscles get tired, sore, and often, injured. We slow down, and our performance drops because pain is exhausting.  

Why is massage therapy a must for you, the human athlete?

Often misunderstood as an unnecessary luxury expense, massage therapy is a performance enhancer. In fact, it is one of the easiest ways for us to take an active role in our own health.

In addition to relaxation, massage therapy helps promote circulation, stimulate the immune system, rid the body of metabolic waste, aka “toxins,” and aid in digestion. Most importantly, it helps alleviate the aches and pains that keep us from performing at our best in world that demands nothing but the best.

This sounds great, but I DON’T HAVE TIME.

Rising Tide Massage L.L.C. prides itself on providing effective and efficient services. That is why, Rising Tide comes to you, in-home and on-site.  It is massage therapy on demand.